The Bartlett
B-Pro Show 2022
About the show


Project sections
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Project details

Year 2

The escalating aqua-alta scenario in Venice, Italy, is linked to several drastic issues, including salt weathering leading to the deterioration of the existing built fabric. Hence, a design intervention is explored to provide an external skin for an urban landscape that is frequently washed with salt water.

A newly developed hydrogel composite material has been tested for bio receptivity for biofilm and EPS (Extracellular Polymeric Substance), both of which generate marine algal species. These species thrive on the saline conditions of water and the newly developed hydrogel composite material acts as a substrate to host these algal species, potentially protecting them from salt weathering. The design intervention revolves around two crucial factors; the bio-receptive binding material and the interlocking hollow clay bricks that can be tessellated and assembled in the desired pattern. The bio-receptive binding material is used as a bio mortar to hold the bricks together and allows algal growth on the bricks’ surfaces in contact with salt water.



Material Research

Material Development

A novel hydrogel composite carbon negative substrate material is developed that can be used as a bio mortar and plaster for architectural applications. As a hydrogel composite, it was found to be resistant to seawater for a period of three months.

Bio Receptive Tests

The material was found to be bio-receptive to a series of marine algae and induced colouration on algal growth. The sample of algal growth was observed under the microscope. The microscopic images were produced with help of Anete Salmane.

Material Application

Material Application

Application of the material as a mortar.

Bio Colouration

Bio Colouration

The material is applied through a meticulous process onto specially designed modules and acts as a substrate for algal growth.


Design Development

Geometry Development

Geometry Development

A grided system was used to develop a geometry that maximises interlocking and increases stability. This is in addition to other parameters such as material contact and water flow.

Tessellation Progression

Tessellation Progression

Speculation of how the aesthetics of the tessellation evolve as a result of algal growth.

Discrete Design Logic

Discrete Design Logic

Colour Assertion through Radiation Analysis

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
B-Pro Show 2022
27 September – 7 October